Home recipes that help treat Tonsillitis

The treatment of tonsillitis depends mainly on relieving symptoms through the use of non-steroidal pain relievers such as ibuprofen, and the treating doctor may be required to prescribe an antibiotic in cases of bacterial infection, but in cases of viral infection, the disease improves and disappears within a short period and there are many prescriptions Home remedies that reduce the symptoms of tonsillitis and help in treatment.
There are many natural recipes that help in the treatment of tonsillitis, including:
- figs are used by mashing them, adding some honey to it and giving it to your child once a day, which helps to get rid of tonsillitis.
- You can also boil some fresh figs, then mix them to make a paste. This paste is used to massage the outer area of the throat.
- Mix a teaspoon of ginger with a cup of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey, and use the solution as a gargle, to treat swelling and pain.
- Make your child inhale the rising steam, by putting the water in a kettle, until it boils, covering his head with a towel, and sitting near the kettle, and making him a cylindrical tube using newspaper or magazine, to use to direct the steam on him and breathe, this will quickly reduce the swelling of the tonsils.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper powder and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to it. Make him take this mixture twice a day.
- You can also prepare a glass of warm water, add lemon juice and honey and take it to reduce nasal and throat congestion.
- Lemon is a good way to get rid of tonsillitis, and you can add a few drops of lemon juice and honey in warm water, and drink it several times a day, to get rid of the pain of tonsillitis.
- Eat mint decoction three times a day to get rid of tonsillitis.
- Turmeric helps to treat tonsillitis efficiently, you can take a cup of hot water with a little turmeric to get rid of tonsillitis, to be taken regularly several times a day to get the best results.
Symptoms of
tonsillitis Tonsillitis infection is often transmitted to children from school, and the most common symptoms and indications are:
- redness and swelling of the tonsils and the appearance of a white or yellow coating.
- Painful blisters and sores on the tonsils.
- Fever, chills,
- earache
- , difficulty swallowing and breathing.
- headache.
- colic.
- Hoarseness
- headache.
- Anorexia.
- Swollen glands in the neck and throat area.
- Bad breath.
- It should be noted that tonsillitis in adults can be accompanied by symptoms such as colic, nausea and vomiting.
Tips for coping with tonsillitis
You can follow some simple things that help relieve the symptoms of tonsillitis:
- Drink plenty of warm fluids.
- Eat foods that are easy to swallow.
- Get enough rest.
- Avoid smoking and passive smoking.
- Gargling with a saline solution to relieve pain associated with a sore throat.
The possibility of developing tonsillitis can be reduced by following these instructions:
- Stay away from infected people.
- Maintaining hygiene in general (such as washing hands before and after eating and after using the toilet).
- Don't send a child with tonsillitis to school until 24 hours after the fever has passed.
Complications of tonsillitis The complications of tonsillitis
are proportional to the severity of the infection. The infection may extend to the nose, sinuses, and ears, or down to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
Malignant bacteria from infected tonsils can spread to nearby tissues, leading to abscesses and peritonitis.
The most dangerous and remote complications are nephritis and rheumatic fever.
Recurrent acute infections can cause chronic tonsillitis, which is manifested by enlarged tonsils, frequent or persistent sore throats, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
The treatment in this case is surgical removal or what is known as a tonsillectomy.
Other complications include scarlet fever and diphtheria. Diphtheria infection is characterized by covering the tonsils with a thick white membrane.
Other complications that can occur as a result of tonsillitis include:
- Shortness of breath (especially at night or while sleeping).
- Transmission of inflammation to parts other than the tonsils, such as otitis or sinusitis.
- Chronic tonsillitis.
- Rheumatic fever
Tonsillectomy Tonsillectomy
can be performed in some bacterial infections that do not respond to the antibiotics and treatments used.
As well as in the case of chronic tonsillitis, or when the tonsillitis returns, and it is intended to recur the infection. To achieve any of the following:
- Tonsillitis more than seven times a year.
- Tonsillitis more than four to five times a year for two consecutive years.
- Tonsillitis more than three times a year for three consecutive years.
The doctor may also resort to a tonsillectomy in case of complications that are difficult to treat, the most important of which are:
- Sleep apnea.
- breathing difficulties.
- Difficulty swallowing food.
- An abscess that does not respond to given antibiotics.
Tips after tonsillectomy
The operation is a simple surgical procedure and the patient can leave the hospital after the operation on the same day, and the full recovery process after the operation usually takes a period of 7-14 days.
The methods used differ in tonsillectomy, but mostly it is performed orally through the use of a scalpel, laser, ultrasound, etc., and it is worth noting that all of these methods are relatively close in results, the degree of safety, and the extent of the patient’s recovery, and the choice between them is made based on the experience and opinion of the surgeon. .
In addition to the need for the patient to adhere to the instructions of the specialist, there are some tips that help him recover, and they can be mentioned below:
- Take time off from work or school, and avoid crowded places during the first week after the operation to avoid infection.
- Not engaging in intense sports activities that require great effort.
- stop smoking.
- Make sure you follow a healthy diet, including avoiding ice cream, throat irritants such as lemon juice, and spicy foods, for about 10 days.
- Avoid taking aspirin because it may increase the possibility of bleeding, and care must be taken to adhere to taking medications as prescribed by the doctor.